Monday, March 31, 2014

The Donut Incodent

On Monday morning,I larry a hungry pigion was minding my own buisness sitting on a park bench watching for my next meal. I notticed an strange indavidual sit down on the same bench. All at once i smelled the sweet sweet aroma af a chocolate glazed donut. Donuts were my favorite meal ever. I tried to persuade the man with my baby blue eyes to let me have the donut, but he only threw a peice on the ground that he had torn off. I was hungry, I could feel my little bird stomack growling as I gave him another desperate look.

The man did not show any interest at all in letting me have the chocolaty treasure, so I was forced to flutter about trying to cause him to simply drop the food but the man was vey persistant in holdingon to it and not letting me have my way.

While we were in our little battle he eventualy dropped it, I landed on the mans metal box to locate the gourmet treasure when all at once I felt the ground shake beneath me. I found myself to be inside of this metal case and trying to find a way out bumping every button I could find with my beek.

I realized that maybe I could negotiate a deal with the human by using his box against him. I pushed the blinking red button and heard what sounded like a strange bird singing on the outside of the box, then I realized that it was a lazer gun of somekind.

That was it, if the man was not going to drop the donut I was going to have to make him drop it. Using the lazer gun and a lever that seemed to make the box have wings, I charged the man and eveything around him, blowing up cars buildings, everything that could be shot.

Then it looked liked he was going to surrender, I saw him holding the donut over a blazing fire threatining if i did not stop he would burn it.

Friday, March 28, 2014


Dark but bright at the same time, the only visability you have is the rock burning up and flying through the sky lighting up stares as it passes by. The image makes me think of a protective spitit watching over the universe making its rounds making sure everything is in place.

The bible says Jesus is the light, so mabye it is him watching and deciding the fait of the world and everything in it. The bible also says the earth will be burned up and the rightios will walk on the ashes of the wicked, so its possible the image could very well be gods wrath just waiting to happen.

the image also makes me think of a light at the end of a tunnel, is it moving or are we? are we trying to reach it and not even realizing at the time that, that is what we are doing? Is it calling out to us?

Grandmas Chocolate Pie

In the early 1940's a recipe was created on how to make a homemade choclate pie from scratch. The woman that created this improticuler pie was my Grandmother Maxine.

My grandmother would never give out this recipe to anyone while she was alive, she liked the attention she got on Sundays after church from all of her children, grandchildren, and Great grandchildren. The pie was so good in fact that that her great great grandchildren's first words were "Where is the pie?"

Sunday afternoons at my great grandmothers house can only be described as heaven, not only becouse of the pie, but becouse of the love that was generated from one to another as the family took together in playing games while the food was prepared. Most of the time the men would play horseshoes and all of us children would either play something like tag or hide and seek, while the the women took the job preparing the meal. Now I know what your thinking, that sounds kinda sexist these days but, the ladies in my family loved being in the Kitchen with each other talking and gossiping, and trying to out do one another with there desserts. But knowbodys sweet choclaty desserets could top the choclate pie.

Even outside the wonderful smell of fried chicken would be in the air, but smelling the chicken always remided me that there was going to be dessert afterwords.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

I am looking at what seems to bee three lizards, all three very bright in color, as if mabye the came from some kind of radioactice plant.One is yellow with a blue stripe down its back and an orange stripe inside that. The next is a green lizard supporting green pokadots and diamonds down its middle spine area. dthe third is all srtiped rainbow colored ,and the all seem to be crawling around a feather. All four objects are on a sheet of wrapping paper red based and rainbow striped.

today I think I would rather be at drurys law enforcement class. After thinking about it a while I dont think m.t.t. is what prefesion i whould like to choose. The law enforement class  seems like it would be more me. You get to drive fast cars, learn how to put people to the ground, protect and serve your community, and best of all you get to carry your fire arm anywhere you want. Also the law enforcment class would help me better understand the laws of the land, so I can proceed in finding my daughter.

I see a large building, alot of people, cars, I see law enforcement officials, a running track, a shooting range.

i smell paper, gunpowder, leather, pepper spray, body sprays, gun oil, tires be burned by police cruisers.

I taste, gunpowder, metal gun frames, paper, the wood from a pencil, pepper spray, donuts lol, coffee,
pork? adventure, bbq, justice.

I feel, cold metal, the wooden desk, vibrations from sirens, pain from defencive taktics exersices, also strenght from the same exersises, exited from a high speed chase,

I hear, the sound of an instructer yelling at recrutes, sirens going down the street, gunshots, painful grunts as a suspect hits the ground from an officer using defencive tactics, squelling tires, gavel slamming, jail cell slamming,

i feel a power of authority, pride to serve, strong to protect, obligated to protect the younger generation of things that I was not protected against when i was young. Justified for brining the criminals to justice,

I just found out that I have been hired into the Christian County Sherriffs Office. I had applied for the position about a week before, and aimideatly after the academy at Drury Universities. As i pull into the jail house I see about a dozen brand new cruizers with the sheriffs logo on them, and all at once I feel a incredible power of athourity come over me along with a great feeling of obligation. I always thought that when I became an officer of the law that my world would change forever. 

      When I got inside the building I realized this is nothing like the police shows on t.v., There is no smell of donuts or coffee as far as I can tell, And I don't hear the sound of the Sheriff yelling at his deputies, not at the moment anyway.

       As I roll out on my first patrol, I no more than get off of the square and see a little red sports car going over the speed limit by about 15 mph. The feeling of excitement and authority and even a little fear start to come over me, as I make my first traffic stop. I manage to keep my cool and proceed to walk to the drivers side of the car.

      When the suspect rolled down the window I catch a strong sent of alcohol. I asked the mid thirtys male, "Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?" He paused for a second, and then told me he had no idea. As I told him he was speeding, he tried to slip a piece of gum in his mouth to cover the smell of alcohol. I took this oprotunity to ask him if he had been drinking, and he told me he had a cold and drank some cough medicine about an hour ago. Not really believing the cough medicine story I asked him to please step out of the vehicle.

       I had no idea I would get to say that line on the first day of the job, and I had no idea of what was about to happen next.

     When the man started to open the door I noticed his right hand come over the top of his lap, I started to tell him to keep both hands were I can see them, And right before I could finish the sentence he pulled the trigger. The bullet whistled past my ear. All at once my training took over and I drew my side arm. I pulled the trigger twice, Putting a round in the heart and one in the head.

       It was over just like that. First day as a law enforcement officer, and got two years worth of experience on the first traffic stop. The feelings I have now I can not describe, maybe a mixture of anxiety mixed with post tramatic stress, I'm not sure, but the one thing I do know is that that was not going to end my career. Taking that Life might have saved the life of a young child, and who knows maybe it might have saved you on your way to some place.