Monday, January 27, 2014


Bullriding is a very dangerous and exiting sport. From the time I was fourteen to the wripe old age of twenty three, I was a participant of this wild and crazy sport. My first rodeo, I didn't plan on ever getting on a bull but, the anouncer asked if any one in the audience would like to try becouse they were short on bullriders, so I thought what can it hurt,mom wouldn,t mind if I do.

I had a couple of friends in the rodeo circit that were there that night and loaned me a the equiptment needed, which were spurs and a rope.

Once my bull came into the chutes I thought to myself what have i done.? This thing had over fifteen hundred pounds of raw anger in him, not to mention the three foot horns on each side. But I decided that I cant turn around now, so I droped the rope over his back and tied myself on with one hand. While I was staping in I told the chute boss to quit shakin the gate, but come to find out it was my spurs on my boots shaking against the metal of the gate. I like to say my boots were a little nervouse.