Wednesday, February 12, 2014

This I believe

This I believe, You should speak happiness everyday of your life. I have been going to church now regularly for about ten years. One thing that has really stuck with me is being able to manifest what kind of day I will have.

Before I started going to church, I was the kind of guy that would wake up, have a cup of coffee, and depending on the first encounter I had with the outside world for the day I was usually in a good mood. Sometimes though, I would open the front door and the world would put me in a terrible mood, for example, getting in your car and finding out that you left the lights on and now your battery is dead.

I have learned that it isn't what happens in everyday life, but it is how you handle everyday life. The first thing I try to do every morning is to smile, even before the coffee, yea that's a little hard to believe I know but its true. Also I make sure to speak positive and happy to my family in my household, for example, If you get out of bed and your going down the hallway, and suddenly you step on that brand new jumbo sized building block that your five year old left on the floor, instead of swearing take a deep breath and be thankful that it wasn't a steamy pile of... You can use your own imagination at this point.

I have found that 98% of the time if a person thinks happy they will be happy. I think Phil Robertson says it best, Happy, Happy, Happy.

1 comment:

  1. "I have learned that it isn't what happens in everyday life, but it is how you handle everyday life." What a powerful statement! I love love love it!

    Thank you for sharing! Seeing positive people is confirmation some of us still value the wonderful gift of life.. even when it is a less than perfect day :)
